April 15, 2010


About three years ago I switched from my Joss with a 314 Predator-shaft to the Mezz with a WD700-shaft. Although I loved to hit the balls with my Joss it just felt great to hit'em with my new Mezz - maybe the best change ever in my "pool-life".

The quality of the Mezz products is magnificent! There is not more to say about this topic - just perfect craftsmanship and unique as well as beautiful designs. But how did it modify my skills?
Some low percentage shots are now medium or even high percentage shots and the basics are just more solid then anytime before. I improved my massé-game a lot as well as my kicking-game. The WD700 is easier to control because it doesn't produce unintensional spin like the 314-shaft.

Conclusion: I am very thankful that today I am playing with one of the best performing high quality cues world wide. It changed my game to a higher level and also gave me some extra self-confidence - you try it, you'll love it!

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