Curriculum Vitae

May 28th 1981 in Zürich

His parents as well as his two sisters supported him on every occasion. He's really proud of his sisters Claudia and Sabrina which both won the Swiss Figure Skating Championships twice.

Graduated grammar school in 2002; two terms at the University of Zurich (economics) and two terms at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (mathematics).

Ice Hockey

Already in young age sport formed his life. At the age of five he went for Ice Hockey. Due to his ambition and will to be the best he succeed to gain the top scorer crown of his age-group. But when the teamplay became more and more important in the teenage it turned out that Marco was not made for a team sport. In sudden bursts he quit with Ice Hockey in late 1994.


On the one hand the Ice Hockey era has gone, on the other hand Marco practiced intensely for already a couple of months - Tennis. He grew up with this sport. Several Tennis camps as well as the youth camp just next to his home built the basis. In early 1994 Marco decided to concentrate more on playing Tennis. Over the period of two years he practiced several times a week in Dietikon near Zurich. At this time it wasn't predictable that he will also quit with this sport. But when he was nominated for the Poo-Billiard Youth Championships in Fürth near Nürnberg Marco settled for Pool.
At this point Marco would like to thank a person that gave him a lot of input and lots of mental strength - Mr. Philip Lerbscher!


His first contact with Billiard was in December 1991 in the restaurant Eyhof in Zurich when Marco played just next to the famous swiss comedian Peach Weber. Even though he has been fascinated by this game Marco started to play Pool not until autumn 1995. Through a lot of practice and even more tournaments he achieved more wins and success on national and after a few months on internatioal level. Nevertheless the exam always came in first place. After passed examination he could put all his concentration and attention on the billiard sport.

First time joining the men's European Championship in 2001, Marco immediately recognized his potential and will to reach more. After more than two years at the top of the swiss ranking he felt the desire to go on the continental level. Thitherto he won 20 Swiss Championships and 4 European Championships medals. The participation at the 2004 World Pool Championships and a two months stopover in the USA crowned his career so far. He had to wait long time and had to be very patient to reach the next step on the way to become a pro. At the European Championships 2006 in Brandenburg near Berlin Marco finished as runner-up and won the silver medal for Switzerland.